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RHEL 9 /etc/passwd file must be group-owned by root.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-257907 RHEL-09-232135 SV-257907r925708_rule Medium
The "/etc/passwd" file contains information about the users that are configured on the system. Protection of this file is critical for system security.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-09-13


Check Text ( C-61648r925706_chk )
Verify the group ownership of the "/etc/passwd" file with the following command:

$ sudo stat -c "%G %n" /etc/passwd

root /etc/passwd

If "/etc/passwd" file does not have a group owner of "root", this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-61572r925707_fix)
Change the group of the file /etc/passwd to root by running the following command:

$ sudo chgrp root /etc/passwd